
How often do you leave your house without your phone? Never. Your customers are the same. Create a closer customer experience with the power of apps developed by DanceComp Genie. All clients can use the Dance Events app for free. Or, have us build your competition a custom app that fits your company like a glove.

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How often do you leave your house without your phone? Never. Your customers are the same. Create a closer customer experience with the power of apps developed by DanceComp Genie. All clients can use the Dance Events app for free. Or, have us build your competition a custom app that fits your company like a glove.

Display a Live Schedule

Display a Live Schedule

As the competition schedule changes throughout the event, the app will update itself to the latest schedule. You can also update the schedule inside the app manually.

Photos, Videos and Live Streaming

Make your event a mobile experience with all the nifty media tools we support in our apps.

Routine reminders

Routine Reminders

Studios, dancers and families can open the app and save routines to their own personal competition schedule. The app will remind the user before each routine is set to perform, even with changes to the schedule.

Audience Voting

Audience Voting

Create an Audience Choice Award and bring the audience into the competition. This is just one tool, of many, that we’ve designed to provide more entertainment to your event attendees.

Schedule A Walkthrough With Our Experts

Our software has been utilized at more than 15 000 dance competitions hosted by over 250 unique event producers. Discover how the world’s biggest competitions run a smoother business, stay more organized, and make more money with DanceCompGenie.

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